Merlot Digital








Issues >> SWE

We’re passionate bug reporters.

Imagine a support process flow where issues actually got fixed – even if it ended up one of those odd-case rare nightmare bugs.
That’s how we tackle problems. We’re notorious bug reporters and filers of potential goodness. End-to-end we work to refine your experience.


0. Issue Raised: First, we triage it

We digest what you’ve raised, categorise it, evaluate whether it’s a query/issue/bug/etc if we can determine that quickly, and get to work trying to “one-reply fix” the problem for you. If not, we collate the findings that have led to it not being a quick fix, or something in need of scheduled work for instance, and communicate it all.


1. Investigated: We aim for a simple fix

It’s always nice when problems can be resolved with small little tweaks, so where a manageable fix is possible without too much interruption, we work with you to schedule the resolution in. You’re always in the driver’s or passenger’s seat, your choice, throughout all decision making – your systems needs to work for you, right?


2. Escalated: The issue did not listen to us

Yes, it happens. Sometimes the bugs don’t do as they’re told and sod off. So we need to go further and work with upstream developers/maintainers, and any other involved parties (a la network issues, complex software interoperability bugs, etc) to get the issue handled as quickly as it can be. We communicate with you.


3. Demarcated: We talk to you about impact

Problem is fully understood, its impact mapped out, and its interaction with other systems and so on conveyed to you, in a way that makes sense. This is not just for you, it’s also to assist us and other involved parties with working through to resolution. Often times, all must contribute for a problem to be resolved quickly.

4. Remediated: If it must be done, we code a fix

Should there be an edge case where either the problem can’t be fixed, or a feature/function should be built, we code a fix – in most cases. This means that you have peace of mind knowing that we’re here to enhance your experience, and this often involves refining systems, softwares and solutions to help you excel online.