Merlot Digital








Profit & Growth

Helping you grow. Changing the norm.

Your growth is our underlying focus – primarily by ensuring you’re making enough for your time & efforts, and have a partner to leverage.

At the end of the day, for businesses to really thrive, there often ought to be more external feedback involved in internal decision making processes. We are here to change the norm, and look forward to speaking with you. Life is too short for ordinary – quality people make for quality business.

Profit via Hosting: Right margins & right clients

Hosting especially when emails are used by end clients, is a mission-critical system that demands attention-to-detail with how it’s built and run, as well as constant monitoring and local people ready to resolve/respond at a moment’s notice. This all comes with your proxying too. Hence the cost must account for this – selective.

Profit via Projects: Healthy cost, annual option

There is some disparity across our clients with regard to website/project value/costing, and of course some of this is location and socioeconomics etc, however a lot of it comes down to insufficient self-value within the organisation. Where our clients are open to it, we are active with recommending change where it’s appropriate.

Retention via Turnkey: Be a one-stop-shop

Quality design and development partnerships are becoming harder and harder to come by, and that’s not even getting started on marketing! Know your worth but also allow flexibility if it makes sense to do so – ie. refer where you don’t want to handle the work, and accommodate where you can do it and not lose out.

Retention via Referral: Expert partnerships

It’s a positive thing to refer work on somewhere else. Heck, we even assist our clients with their exits – and sale of business services onto another of our clients, where it fits for A and B. Pulse-checking your longer-term referral partners to ensure they’re still fit-for-purpose with your business’s evolved state is also worthwhile.

Growth via Satisfaction: Happy clients

Happy clients are blown away, and know that if they were to have a problem that they’re able to get help and delegate without having to set a reminder to nag about it. By engaging the right people, systems and processes, you can methodically streamline your Customer Experience – especially where it comes to online/systems.