Internet Radio Broadcasting
Hi-Fi audio. Linux-powered systems.
Premium systems, delivering high-fidelity audio 24/7/365. We’re focused on quality over quantity, consistently providing reliable service.
High-performance, with security-first and performance-second – and usability embedded deeply into our systems design, empowering our clients is key.
We’ve been around throughout the ups and downs of many in the Australian internet radio broadcasting space. While others have left, we’ve doubled down. Radio is a special space in the world, similar to libraries in remaining truly open and for all – we’re here to help foster the success of stations, little through large. Our systems and network infrastructure are owned and operated by our parent, The Network Crew Pty Ltd. Australian family owned & run!
10/20/30% off always (1/2/3 years).
If you think we’re the right fit, we’re happy to provide an on-going/lifetime discount of 10/20/30% off for services taken over 1, 2 and 3 years respectively.
To us, it makes sense – if you’ve got faith in us, then we’ve got faith in you too. So let’s sweeten things – get in touch today.
Main Reasons to use our Internet Radio.
Open-source Linux Hypervisor (we're FOSS-1st)
KVM Virtualisation (independent kernels)
Optical Fibre network backing each M-VPS
Always-on DDoS protection, runs 24/7/365
Media Control Panel interface
Premium Audio Quality (MP3 or AAC+)
Dell + Intel hardware
Premium quality Tier IV Internet Radio plans.
128kbps "Whisper"
$30/month for 50 listeners
Radio Streaming / Hosting
2GB Media Storage (SSD)
MediaCP Control Panel (GUI)
AutoDJ or we Relay your feed
(+$10/month per +100 Listeners)
∞ DDoS-protected Data in NEXTDC S2
All Systems owned & operated by us
192kbps "Speak"
$40/month for 100 listeners
Radio Streaming / Hosting
4GB Media Storage (SSD)
MediaCP Control Panel (GUI)
AutoDJ or we Relay your feed
(+$15/month per +100 Listeners)
∞ DDoS-protected Data in NEXTDC S2
All Systems owned & operated by us
256kbps "Shout"
$50/month for 200 listeners
Radio Streaming / Hosting
6GB Media Storage (SSD)
MediaCP Control Panel (GUI)
AutoDJ or we Relay your feed
(+$20/month per +100 Listeners)
∞ DDoS-protected Data in NEXTDC S2
All Systems owned & operated by us
320kbps "Horn"
$60/month for 300 listeners
Radio Streaming / Hosting
10GB Media Storage (SSD)
MediaCP Control Panel (GUI)
AutoDJ or we Relay your feed
(+$25/month per +100 Listeners)
∞ DDoS-protected Data in NEXTDC S2
All Systems owned & operated by us
What makes us different?
We’re a 100% Australian Hosting Company, specialists in the Internet Radio space and offer Streaming that’ll get your station happy. If you hit turbulence, we’ll help your Station get back on-air quick-smart! Whether you’re running a hobby station or have multiple locations broadcasting FM/AM as well, we’re here for you & your listeners.
Our systems allow you to leverage SHOUTcast YP, as well as Tunein, Radio Box, Streema, & other online platforms for your listeners.
You’re able to visualise your Station’s Listener Base thanks to our Google Maps integration – see a rough location of all your loyal listeners! If you’re a CBAA Member, at sign-up use the code CBAA25LIFE for a recurring 25%-off discount on any billing cycle (for 3-yearly, don’t use it, we do 30% off).

Customised plans to suit your needs.
Whether it’s your station’s first time taking terrestrial broadcasting to the next level with Internet Radio Streaming, or you’re running elsewhere and tired of performance/downtime/etc, we’re here to forge the right plan and solution for your Radio Station. This can be off-the-shelf relaying, hosting or a Colo option.
Get in touch with our crew if you’d like to talk about a potential discount if you’re not-for-profit, so we can help give back to your Station which does so much for the community.